Unlike conventional dentures, which can slip out of place, snap-in dentures are more SECURE and stable. Dental implants work like screws, holding your snap-in dentures in place.
Snap-in dentures are a great replacement option if your permanent teeth are missing or damaged due to a dental condition or injury.
The procedure typically includes surgically placing two to four implants in each jaw. While under local anesthesia, your dental surgeon will SECURE the new teeth implants into your jawbone, allowing for a permanent or removable denture option.
If given proper care and maintenance, snap-in dentures can last a lifetime.
The Benefits of Snap-In Dentures
- Be SECURE and self-confident while you talk or eat.
- Reduce slurring, mumbling and improve your self-esteem.
- More stable and secure than conventional dentures.
- Eat hard or sticky foods again!
- With a better fit to the jaw and less friction on the gums, you’ll enjoy greater comfort.
- Snap-in dentures are more natural looking than conventional dentures.
- Improves self-esteem and be SECURE in your overall health — and your new smile.
- With proper care and maintenance, snap-indentures can last a lifetime.
Secure Your smile with Implants starting at $1095
(918) 376-6600
The Snap-In Procedure
A custom treatment plan is arranged with your SECURE dentist and individualized to include recovery time. The full procedure, with the time it takes your mouth to fully heal, can be a lengthy one.
- First, titanium implants (like screws) are placed into the jaw. From this point, it will take 3 to 6 months of time for the implants and the bone to bond together, forming a strong anchor for the snap-in dentures. Your SECURE dentist will fit some immediate (temporary) dentures, so your gums have time to heal, too.
- The dentures are prepared according to the impressions taken and then attached to the connecting abutment device, which holds the dentures firmly in place.
- Finally, full dentures will be created and attached to the connecting device.
Caring for Your Snap-In Dentures
Maintenance is the key to ensuring your snap-indentures last and your gums are protected against disease and infection. If your snap-in dentures haven’t been screwed into place, it is critical to follow these steps before wearing them each day:
- Rinse the dentures regularly to remove food or debris.
- Clean your gums, tongue, and roof of the mouth with a soft-bristled brush.
- Remove bacteria from the dentures with a soft brush and non-abrasive cleaner.
- Use an antibacterial mouthwash to rinse your mouth.
- Place the dentures in clean water in a safe area until used again.
FAQs About Snap-in Dentures
What is a soft liner?
A soft liner is a cushion we place inside your denture to help it fit and feel better as your mouth heals and changes shape following extractions.
Can food get under my implant dentures?
Yes, any prosthetic in the mouth will get some amount of food under it. The great thing about implant dentures is how easy they are to clean. Just take them out; clean the denture(s), your gums, and implants; and snap them back in.
Do you offer this procedure with zirconia (non-metal) implants?
We do not currently offer this type of implant. While titanium implants have been around for decades with a long track record of success, zirconia implants are very new to the market, so we do not know what their success will be like long-term. We want the most successful, most predictable long-term results for our patients, and for these reasons, we do not offer zirconia implants at this time.
What are tori and do they need to be removed?
Tori are bony knots that develop in the mouth of many patients. They are not harmful, however, they can prevent your denture(s) from fitting comfortably, so your doctor will often recommend having them removed.
What is alveoloplasty and why is it important?
Alveoplasty is a procedure where the doctor contours your jawbone. This procedure is important because it can significantly improve the fit and comfort of your dentures.
How often will my implant inserts need to be changed?
Typically 1 to 2 times per year. This will depend on how many implants you have, how strong your bite is, how frequently you take your dentures in and out, and several other factors. PLEASE DO NOT BITE YOUR DENTURES INTO PLACE ON YOUR IMPLANTS! This will wear out your inserts significantly faster. Only place your implant dentures in by hand.
When can I have the palate (middle part that covers roof of mouth) removed from my denture?
If you are a candidate for a palateless denture, it will be removed from your final denture. This is after healing and osseointegration are complete and we are ready to attach to your implants (approximately 4-6 months after placement of your implants).
Can I remove the palate of the denture (roof of mouth)?
Most patients with 4 implants in the upper are able to have a large portion of the palate (roof of the mouth) cut out of their denture. This increases the ability to taste for many patients, and also increases hot and cold sensitivity, making for a more natural experience. For those patients with a severe gag reflex, removing the palate of the denture can also help provide relief.
Will I get to use my implants (snap my dentures on to them) the same day they’re placed?
No, we must allow time for your implants to integrate with your bone. This is what makes your implants truly stable and will help ensure you enjoy many years or decades of use out of them. We typically wait between 4 and 6 months before attaching to your implants.